Together, we can build more resilient food systems and share in collective abundance.

Kamaʻāina Program

Kamaʻāina Program

Our goal has always been to help balance Hawaiʻiʻs Axis deer populations, but our hope is that the value of that management extends throughout our paeʻāina, throughout our communities. 


As we grow as a business and try to meet these management goals, we remain committed to finding ways to make venison more accessible for our local customers. 


In this spirit, we’ve compiled special Kamaʻāina fresh box and snack packs for any local customer, whether you are purchasing venison for your restaurant, retail location, or home.

Maui Nui

Holo ʻAi Program

Holo ʻAi is the term for a traditional food bundle and can also mean to speed food to where it is needed. The Holo ʻAi Program started as a response to the instability created by the COVID-19 virus outbreak. Any successes this program has had thus far were only achieved through partnerships with incredible organizations and businesses—partners who helped store, move, cook, and share venison. We want to mahalo these organizations, as well as a number of smaller kitchens, for their work in and out of this program to help holo ʻai within our communities:

Holo ʻAi Program

Maui Nui

Holo ʻAi is the term for a traditional food bundle and can also mean to speed food to where it is needed. The Holo ʻAi Program started as a response to the instability created by the COVID-19 virus outbreak. Any successes this program has had thus far were only achieved through partnerships with incredible organizations and businesses—partners who helped store, move, cook, and share venison. We want to mahalo these organizations, as well as a number of smaller kitchens, for their work in and out of this program to help holo ʻai within our communities:

Together, we were able to distribute over

17,000 lbs of venison, 45,000+ meals,

into our communities to date.

For us, the program was not born out of a need for charity, but out of a need for change. It is about how to continue to better the way in which our communities are able to access and engage in Hawaiʻiʻs collective abundance. There is a lot of work to be done to build resilience and equity into our local food systems, and we believe that those who have the capacity to build, should build.

In the spirit of continuing to be the change we want to see,
we will be extending the Holo ʻAi Program indefinitely.
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